Love Box Brunch

Indulge in a morning of elegance filled with beauty, overflowing flowers and ‘feel good moments’ at the Champagne Brunch d'Amore?! It's an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.


Are you ready to Indulge in a morning of elegance filled with beauty, overflowing flowers and ‘feel good moments’ at the Champagne Brunch d'Amore?!  Aaahhhhh. This enchanting event, curated by the Love Box Foundation's Brunch Bunch promises more than just delectable treats and bubbly delights; it's an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Imagine strolling into a sunlit garden and making a flower arrangement with Nancy’s Flower Truck.  There’s a gentle breeze carrying the soft melody of laughter and clinking glasses. Cheers! You saunter over and take a picture in the Italian lemon garden. As you take your seat, you'll find yourself surrounded by a community united by a common purpose: spreading love and kindness. The Love Box Foundation, known for its heartwarming initiatives, invites you to join hands and contribute to a cause that truly matters.
The brunch is more than a culinary journey; it's a celebration of love in all its forms. Through heartwarming stories and captivating conversations, you'll witness the power of love.  The atmosphere will be both luxurious and intimate, where you’ll forge connections that last long after the final toast. 
As you savor every bite of exquisite cuisine and sip fine champagne, remember that your presence resonates beyond the event itself. Your attendance supports children in schools. You can make a meaningful impact on the lives of children and bring love into classrooms.  

So, check your calendar, gather your girlfriends, and register for a day of elegance, connection, and heartfelt giving – an experience that will fill your heart as much as your soul. 

Can't wait to celebrate together on Sept. 30th! 

With love and expectation, 


Founder, Love Box Foundation
Owner, Training Solutions Int'l

P. S. There's room for 40 more friends in Tiffany's lovely home in Chateau Elan so, please sign up sooner rather than later. If you cannot attend and want to donate, please do so below.  Thank you!

Register & Donate click HERE.  * Include names in the 'notes' section before submitting.

Date:  Sat., Sept. 30th
Time:  11 am – 1 pm
Place:  Chateau Elan Home in Braselton, GA
Dress:  Fun & Girlie
Register & Donate click HERE.  * Include names in the 'notes' section before submitting.


Over 200 kids would like to do the Love Box Project. We need your help to make that happen. 
A gift of just $25 gets a child a Love Box kit.  

Contact us here or visit:  
The Love Box Foundation | Donate