Mental Health Love Notes

Love notes for friends with mental illness & caregivers

Your words and messages can encourage, uplift and give hope to someone living with mental illness.

Love notes for friends living with mental illness.

Dear Loved One,

You are more than the disease.  You are dearly loved and you are like poetry in motion.  Your wisdom, and intuition shine brightly.  I am so glad you’re hereto share your love with the world.  Remember we need you to share your gifts, talents, and care with others.  

Dear Loved One,

When I look at you I see incredible strength, courage and perseverance.  You’ve battled more than most people ever have to. Ultimately, the journey that you’re on is uniquely yours.  Yet, you are not alone.  We love you and are with you every step of the way.  Keep believing.

Dear Friend,

Your feelings are valid and your voice is needed!  Please do everything you can to stay healthy.  We need your love to shine and for you to contribute to the world with your gifts.  Keep growing in love and strive for happiness.  You’re worthy of a good life.  

Dear Friend,

Thank you for being you. Thank you for teaching me about life through your eyes.  You are important.  The world needs your smile and the joy that only you can bring.  Hope you will continue to get the help you need and not give up.  Never give up hope.  

Dear Friend,

I know you have strong feelings and that you sometimes you feel alone.  I want you to know that you are not broken.  You are loved beyond reason and are never truly alone.  You matter.  Your voice matters.  Your life matters.  Keep on trying to live a life a joy and meaning.  

Dear Friend,

Let me tell you, I spend some time thinking I’m the only one who doesn’t know what I’m doing.  We’re all just trying to figure life out.  How about you cut yourself some slack and believe you’re a wonderful person who is figuring things out.  You will find out the right journey to recover.  You will get on the path to more joy and happiness.  

Love Notes for Caregivers

Dear Caregiver,

You are amazing!  You are awesome!  You are seen and you are dearly loved.  I know there are times when you feel overwhelmed and don’t know which way to turn.  Keep on the path of light and love.  Hope beyond all worldly understanding that you can support your loved one and get the support you need to.  

Dear Caregiver,

You bring much JOY to your loved one.  There are no words that could every adequately express the deep gratitude for all the things you do and the sacrifices you make.   Please be sure to be gentle with yourself and take good care of yourself too.  So you can keep on lovin’!  

Dear Caregiver,

HOPE is a good thing. You are doing incredible and sacred work.  You were given this loved one for a reason and for just this season.  Things change and yet, your commitment and passion is unwavering. I know it’s so hard to get the support you need.  You can’t stop searching until you have your last breathe.  

Dear Caregiver,

Your light shines brightly and your love is so needed. You are like a star in the sky, it shines brightest in the darkest night. Even though you may not feel appreciated for your tireless efforts, know that what you’re doing is of the upmost importance. Remember to take time to take good care of you too.  

Dear Caregiver,

Your voice for the voiceless is powerful.  You have so many hopes and dreams for yourself and your loved one.  Those dreams are still valid.  Don’t ever give up.  Things may not look like you thought they would.  Life can still be beautiful.  We’re blessed to be the caregiver of someone with mental illness.

Dear Caregiver,

Keep fighting the fight and at the end of the day KNOW you will hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”   We must be tireless in our pursuit of good and noble care so our loved one’s  dignity and worth is preserved.  I hope you can find the answers you’re looking for. Go just one step at a time. I hope you learn everything you need to know about your loved ones illness and that you will have the courage, compassion and connections you need.